
The Signal: Public Media News from Across Alaska

A weekly email newsletter filled with the biggest and most interesting Alaska stories every week.

For Alaska Native cultural tour guides, the job is to carry the weight of the world · November 28, 2019

As a cultural interpreter, John Lawrence tries to answer any questions people might have. Some questions are about paint. Other questions are harder.
(This story was adapted from an episode of KTOO’s podcast “Cruise Town.”)

The Source

The Far Reaches of Utah Water Research · August 28, 2015

Part 3 – Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.
(Updated version · Jan. 28, 2016)

Learning to Read Water · June 26, 2015

Part 3 – Sharks in the Desert

News Features

Legislative Recap: Session Wraps Up With A Flurry Of Bills · March 13, 2015

Utah’s 45-day legislative session rarely ends with a whimper. And 2015 was no exception.

Gun Shows Not Just For Gun Enthusiasts: It’s About Commerce · January 9, 2014

There’s something for everyone at the gun show.


Behind the Headlines: Feminist Threatened, Love/Owens Debate, Auditors Scold GOED · October 17, 2014

Salt Lake Tribune staffers join guest-host Ryan Cunningham to discuss the week’s headlines.

The Rundown: U.S. Soccer’s Megan Rapinoe on Being a Gay Athlete and Investing in the Future of Women’s Soccer · September 13, 2014

KCPW’s Ryan Cunningham speaks with Megan Rapinoe ahead of a USWNT match in Utah.

KCPW’s 2014 World Cup Updates · June 12–July 8, 2014

A daily recap of FIFA World Cup action with Real Salt Lake blogger Matt Montgomery.

The Rundown: Dr. Susan Madsen on Getting More Women in Leadership Roles in Utah · April 25, 2014

Dr. Madsen’s research has exposed a noticeable lack of female representation in Utah’s highest decision-making positions.

The Rundown: Governor Gary Herbert in Conversation · March 14, 2014

KCPW reporter Ryan Cunningham sits down with Utah Governor Gary Herbert.
(Part two of interview · March 17, 2014)

News Features

Supreme Court Rejects Same-Sex Marriage Cases; Utah to Recognize Same-Sex Marriages · October 6, 2014

Same-sex marriage is once again legal in Utah—and this time, it’s likely here to stay.

Autopsy, Witnesses Raise Questions about Police Shooting in Saratoga Springs · September 15, 2014

After an encounter with police, a man was shot and killed when he allegedly “lunged” towards the officers with a sword.

Ride-Sharing Gaining Acceptance of SLC Officials · August 15, 2014

How could embracing this new means of getting around town change the ground transportation business?

Heber City, Rainbow Family Find (And Use) Common Ground · July 8, 2014

The free-spirited Rainbow Family and the small-town residents of Heber City have a clash of cultures.

Cinco De Mayo: Widely Celebrated, Frequently Misunderstood · May 5, 2014

There are a lot of misconceptions about the day’s origins and meaning.

For Utah, Women in Politics are Rare · March 26, 2014

Is Utah facing a chronic shortage of women in politics? What are the barriers to women thinking about running for office?

LGBT Community Shares Its Story with Utah Pols · February 28, 2014

Utah Lawmakers heard heart-wrenching public testimony from LGBTQ Utahns.

Protestors Cite Health, Family for Attending Clean Air Rally · January 27, 2014

Utahns rallied in favor of clean air legislation at the state capitol.

Mother of Trayvon Martin Speaks to Utah Students · January 17, 2014

Sybrina Fulton says she decided to honor her son by making her community—and the country—a better place to live.

Utah Could Be Final Frontier in Gay Marriage Debate · January 13, 2014

Utah suddenly became one of the most important battlegrounds in the same-sex marriage debate.

Utah Researchers Discover New Dinosaur Species · November 6, 2013

The specimen was found in southern Utah in November 2009, and it is an ancestor to the well-known T-rex.

Salt Lake Comic Con: One Reporter’s Take · September 11, 2013

What is so massively appealing about Comic Con?